The SSC Class from CryoSafe™ is specifically engineered for the user who has medium to large capacity requirements but requires long-term storage and low liquid nitrogen consumption in a convenient lightweight package. The SSC Class is designed
for the user utilizing canes or straws for sample storage meeting capacity needs up to 1320 each 2 ml vials.
The SSC Class features reduced neck openings to insure superior temperature uniformity and economical liquid nitrogen evaporation rates.
Every unit in the SSC Class comes standard with internal canisters and LN2 measuring rod.
SSC Class
The SSC ET Class (sample storage in canisters with extended time) from CryoSafe™ is designed specifically for the user who has small capacity requirements but requires long-term storage and low liquid nitrogen consumption in a convenient lightweight package.
The SSC ET Class features reduced neck openings to insure superior temperature uniformity and economical liquid nitrogen evaporation rates. The user can utilize canes or straws for sample storage within.
Every unit in the SSC ET Class comes standard with canisters and LN2 measuring rod.